Correct and Effective Ways to Clean and Preserve Home Furniture

Cleaning furniture isn’t as easy as wiping the surfaces. It involves a complex process to make the piece more attractive and at the same time lengthen its lifespan. While cleaning your entire home’s worth of furniture can be quite a huge undertaking, it doesn’t have to be stressful.

Do you want your furniture pieces to look like new? A professional cleaning service in Dubai gives you these correct ways to clean furniture and bring back their former glory.

Leather Furniture

1. Vacuum

To limit the risk of damage, use the soft brush attachment to vacuum leather furniture. Remove cushions so that you can vacuum and reach every nook and cranny of the furniture piece.

2. Use mild soap and water

Mix 1-2 tablespoons of mild leather detergent into a small container of warm water, or use an alternative homemade cleaning solution suitable for leather. Dip a clean cloth into …