Mark Roemer Oakland Discusses Removing Grease from Your Home


According to Mark Roemer Oakland, juicy and delicious food is often messy. While they may make you launder your clothes while eating them, they may leave a grimy mess all over your home. Let’s check out how you can remove grease from your home. 

The Discussion

1. Flour – When you have a grease spill on the countertop or oven while cooking, flour is the most easily accessible item. If you allow the grease to dry up, it would be very difficult to clean it off later. Just sprinkle some flour on the spill right away and let it sit there and soak up as much grease as possible. While this solution seems counterintuitive, it changes the grease from a sticky and viscous liquid to easily wipeable dry powder flakes. After the flour soaks up the grease, wipe it away with a rag and then rinse the area …