If you want to prepare a cubic or circular fiberglass cooling tower with the most appropriate price and technical specifications, timely delivery, and worthy response from experts, you have come to the right place and we sincerely congratulate you.
We hope that by studying the items presented below and contacting the experts of the air conditioning equipment department in Damatajhiz, you will gain a suitable and satisfactory experience of purchasing from this dynamic collection.
In general, the minimum temperature of the water, leaving the cooling tower types is a few degrees higher than the wet Bulb Temperature where the tower is installed. Cubic cooling towers are superior to circular cooling towers in terms of efficiency, performance, and serviceability due to the possibility of placing the largest packing volume and more cooling surfaces inside them and no need for spread water.
In Damatajhiz reference site and store, technical information and guaranteed prices of various types of thermal cooling towers with original warranty have been provided for your dear ones to enjoy a good sense of optimal and smart purchase.
Important points in choosing and ordering a cooling tower
1. Humidity air temperature and dry air temperature of the cooling tower installation.
2. Flow or volume of water entering the tower
3. Inlet water temperature and the difference between inlet and outlet water temperature of the cooling tower.
Highlights in choosing fiberglass cooling tower
- Since cooling towers are exposed to direct sunlight, a proper coating of NPG gel is required to strengthen the tower body against the ultraviolet rays of sunlight.
- Due to the fact that all the internal parts of the cooling tower are always in direct contact with water, to prevent rusting and decay of the metal parts of the cooling tower, make sure that all the main parts such as the structure and sub-parts (screws and nuts, etc.) Made of galvanized stainless steel or iron.
- Water cooling surfaces (packings) inside the cooling tower must be selected from the appropriate design and material. Packing of Damatajhiz cooling towers is usually made of 19 step film type and P.V.C with a special antibacterial coating with drug grade (FDA approved) and thickness of 400 microns or packing splash or random splash which is made of P.P and is selected by buyer’s order.
- To choose the packing of cooling towers, the use and operating conditions of the device must be carefully considered; For example, P.V.C film design packings are more efficient than P.P splash packages due to the wider contact surface between the weather, but in contrast to this fact, splash design packings are more resistant against sediment and Poor quality water and most of the times they get clogged and eroded later.
- Eliminators or Drip catchers are usually made of P.V.C or P.P and installed in the upper part of the observer in order to reduce the amount of water drifting or dropping from the top of the cooling tower. The eliminator design P.V.C models are usually honeycomb and in P.P models it is of V-bar type, which reduces the water loss rate to less than 0.02 of the circulating water in the tower.
- To increase the life of the electric motor and reduce the fan noise during the operation of the cooling towers, the static and dynamic balance of the tower fan should be fully ensured.
- When ordering high-capacity cooling towers, it is better to use a transmission system equipped with a gearbox.
- Ladder installation is required for maintenance in high capacities and easy access to different parts of the tower, including electric motors and ETC.
- In air conditioning systems, the temperature of the water entering the cooling tower (from the water compression chiller condenser) is about 33 to 35 degrees Celsius and the temperature of the water, leaving the cooling tower to the condenser of the water compression chillers (cooling water) should be about 28 to 30 degrees Celsius.
In other words, the difference between the inlet and outlet water temperature of the cooling tower air conditioning systems will be about 4 to 6 degrees Celsius. If you need advice on selecting, calculating, and purchasing the required cooling tower, you can contact the sales expert of Damatajhiz Company. Get in touch.
- In closed-circuit cooling towers, which are usually used for some cooling operations, the cold water of the tower is used to reduce the temperature of the fluid passing through the coil installed inside the tower.
- If the intelligent control system is not installed, it is necessary to install a thermostat with the possibility of disconnecting and connecting to the cooling tower motor fan in the return path of water from the cooling tower for times when the weather is milder, such as the beginning and end of summer.
- In order to inquire about the price of the cooling tower, in addition to announcing the required water flow rate and the temperature of the inlet and outlet water of the cooling tower and determining the geographical location of the cooling tower installation, mention the type and material of its body.
Purchase order and warranty of Damatajhiz cooling tower
- In Damatahiz reference site and store, technical information and guaranteed prices of all types of Damatajhiz cooling towers with original warranty have been provided for you dear ones to enjoy a good sense of optimal and smart purchase.
- To view and know the price and technical specifications of different types of Damatajhiz cooling towers, click on the “Technical specifications” tab on the page of each of the products below.
- All Damatajhiz cooling towers have a 36-month golden warranty and 10 years of after-sales service.
Damatajhiz Company’s presence in international exhibitions of constructing facilities and cooling and heating systems.
The Damatajhiz specialized collection has the symbol of electronic trust and has started its activity in 2004 in the central office in Tehran.